We are looking for participants who have lived in Japan for less than one year to appear on the television show COOL JAPAN.
(「COOL JAPAN」では出演してくれる来日して1年未満の外国人の方を募集しています。)
Interested parties are requested to fill out the following questionnaire.
Please review the questionnaire carefully and answer each question.
An incomplete questionnaire will not be considered.
All questionnaires will be reviewed and those best suited depending upon the content/topic of each episode will be contacted.
COOL JAPAN is recorded at NHK's main television studio located in Shibuya.
Each applicant is requested to fill out a questionnaire.
Please note that all collected personal information is only used in connection with COOL JAPAN and will not be shared with any other parties.
(※電話番号や住所などの個人情報を「COOL JAPAN」の番組制作以外の目的で利用することはありません。)
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